Monday, June 14, 2010

Our New Toy

So we were at Bed Bath & Beyond this weekend for something totally different and we found this for just $20. Who new a tent with a connecting tube could bring on so many hours of fun for the whole family. I think being a parent of a toddler makes you revert back to childhood yourself! It's so great!

Playing inside the tent for Daddy. We had set it up during his nap on Saturday so he came downstairs and got a big surprise.

We had to put his soccer ball inside the tube to get him to crawl through it the first time. After that he wouldn't stay out of it.

Here he is trying to decide whether or not to go through the tube.

This is Daddy showing Brady how fun it is. It was really funny for Mommy to watch Daddy worm his way through this tiny tube.

Brady was having so much fun playing with it. Great purchase!

Look at that precious face! Melts my heart!

I had to prove to Daddy that I could make it through the tube as well. It was a tight fit but I made it. :)

We love our sweet boy so much. This is such a great age!!!

Even Nonna played in the tent with Brady later that evening.


Team Hoff said...

We have the same tent! Brooks LOVES it! Sometimes we just put out the tunnel and sometimes we just put out the tent. It's so much fun.

cmf9ferrell said...

Very cute! I might have to get one...just don't know where I would put it! :)

4th of July