Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Vacation Begins

Today officially starts our 4th of July celebration because Austin is off work until next Tuesday. Love it!!! We are running errands today and then heading up to the lakehouse tomorrow morning for the rest of our vacation. Since Daddy was home today he got to go with us to The Little Gym for our weekly class. Brady loved having his Daddy there and i'm not sure who had more fun playing on the equipment Brady or Austin. It also worked out great because I finally got some pictures of Brady at the gym. Check out my little gymnast.
He loves hanging on the bars. He does this at home with Austin's chin-up bar and thinks its so cool!

Even though he can roll down these mats he likes to crawl up and down them more. Not quite sure why!?!

So cute on the balance beam. He actually does pretty well on it, even with his chubby feet.

He loves, loves, loves this thing. I don't know what to call it but he likes it because it is the most challenging one. He is always so proud of himself when he makes it across.

Look at the concentration on his face and he doesn't want Daddy helping either. Too funny!

1 comment:

Carley said...

So fun! I can't wait until Codys just a bit older to do fun things like that. Have fun at the lakehouse...I remember watching fireworks with you all one year! Tell your family HI! Maybe we can come to see you SOON?

4th of July