Wednesday, July 21, 2010

18 Month Checkup

Yesterday was Brady's 18 month checkup and he did great. He's definately getting more comfortable with the doctor and only cried once. For some reason he is terrified of the stethoscope. Whenever she checks his heart he freaks out. Not sure what that's about. She said he looks great and is developing perfectly. One thing we discussed was his language development. You see, Austin knows alot of German since his Dad is German and he has always spoken German with Brady. Lately it has seemed like Brady has been confused between German and English and that his language has been developing slower than other children his age. However, the doctor told me that this is all normal when a child is learning two languages but that this is the perfect age for them to start learning. I feel much better now and Austin is glad that he can continue teaching Brady German.
18 Month Stats:
Height - 34 3/4 in. (97%)
Weight - 27lbs. 4oz. (70%)
Head Circumference - 19cm (50%)
I could tell Brady had gotten taller and thinner and after going to the doctor those thoughts were confirmed. He is looking less like my baby and more like a little man every day. I sure love this little boy with every piece of my heart!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

he is growing so quickly...don't worry I am sure he says way more words than Mollie. She hardly talks at all. Maybe he can school her in some German one of these days.

4th of July