Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Finger Painting

Before I talk about finger painting I should probably give an update on what's been going on around here. Well, not much. Right now we don't have any activities until BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) for Mommy and Brady starts in a couple of weeks. We are really excited about it. I've always wanted to do it but didn't have the time to commit to it. I had heard so much about the children's program and how amazing it was that I knew we had to join.
Brady has really come out of his shell lately. He has gotten super friendly and waves and says hi to everyone that he sees. Which can be a little uncomfortable for his shy Mommy at times :). It's helping me come out of my shell as well. He is saying alot more words. He basically will repeat anything you ask him to say but has about 15 words he uses regularly. My favorite right now is WHY. He will fall down or trip or drop a truck and say WHY?? It cracks me up. He gets that from Daddy! Another great word he learned is HELP. He has gotten really good at saying HELP or HELP MAMA when he needs something. This has really cut down on the screaming fits lately.
Now for finger painting. This week I have started an at-home preschool curriculum with Brady. I ordered it off a really great Christian curriculum website and have been looking forward to starting all summer. Brady is obviously too young for preschool this year but we have tossed around the idea of not sending him until the year before kindergarten. I want to keep him home as long as possible but I don't want him to be behind. Sooo...Mommy is his teacher for the next couple of years. Or at least this year to test out the material. We did our first art project today which included finger painting. The project won't be totally finished until Thursday but the pictures were too cute not to post.
I was surprised that he jumped right in. He usually can't stand his hands to get dirty so I was glad to see that didn't hold him back.

He is concentrating very hard on his art.

Uh oh, this is were he realized his hands were really gross. We called it quits at this point.

Look at all the raw talent. I see lots of natural ability here!! :)

1 comment:

Carley said...

Hey friend! He it too cute!! I love watching what Brady is doing and learning because it gets me excited for Cody's next phase. You are such a good momma! I have been looking for a preschool curriculum to start when Cody turns 18 months...do you mind emailing me the website you got your from? I sure wish we lived closer!!

4th of July