Thursday, August 5, 2010


Not much has been going on around here lately but we seem to stay busy all time. Go figure. With summer winding down The Little Gym and Kindermusik are about to end. I am still debating over which one to do in the fall. We can't do both because they are too expensive to be able to do both during a full semester. The Little Gym alone is $345. We will probably end up doing Kindermusik. Fortunately, Brady loves both of them equally. It has been a fun but busy summer. It seems like every weekend is full of activities.
One thing that has changed this summer is that Austin and I have taken on leadership roles in Sunday School, so he has been teaching and I have started planning the social events. It is quite an undertaking since half our class is pregnant meaning a bunch of baby showers coming up. I've got one in September, one in October and 2 in November. One of the November showers is not a Sunday School friend though. It is for my oldest and dearest friend, Brooke. Yay!!!
This neck pillow cracks me up. My mom bought it for him because he is always falling asleep with his head straight down because there is no good head support in this car seat. I didn't think in a million years that he would ever leave a pillow around his neck. So the other night we were going to dinner as a family and Austin put it around his neck just to be silly. He left it on the entire ride. He actually loved it!! Random! So now everytime we get in the car he either wants to hold it or have it around his neck. He is such a funny boy and is constantly surprising me!

Another new thing is that he will finally wear his hat. As long as Daddy is wearing a ball cap he will wear his. They are so cute in their matching U.S. Open hats that my parents bought them when they went. I love that he is finally keeping a hat on because the sun is wretched right now.

Yes folks it's a potty. Can you believe I have a potty for my 18 month old? We already had a potty ring that fits on the big potty upstairs. We have been putting him on that potty every night before bath for about 6 months now. He peed in it a couple of times. I had no plans whatsoever to start potty training though. However, on Monday he started telling me before he went poop. He did this 3 days in a row so I figured it was time to go buy a potty. He was very excited about his potty and has sat on it many times. Nothing has happened though. We will see how it goes. I am not excited about this process at all!

My boys are so cute. Brady is obsessed with Daddy. When Daddy comes home from work in the evenings, or when the weekend starts, I am chump change. Brady only has eyes for Daddy. I find it quite cute actually. I know how much he loves me because he shows me all day every day. He is a very sweet boy. It is actually kind of nice on the weekends because I get a pretty nice break. He won't let me do anything with him so Austin is stuck doing it all. Hilarious! Thank you Lord for that!


Team Hoff said...

Brady is growing up so fast. Hopefully Brady will enjoy his potty more than Brooks. I kept asking him if he wants to go poopoo on the potty and he says, " thank you." At least he's polite!

cmf9ferrell said...

He's getting so big!! We need a playdate soon now that both boys are walking and into everything! :)

4th of July