Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas Part III - Christmas Day

This Christmas we spent actual Christmas with Austin's family and New Year's weekend celebrating Christmas with my family. So on Christmas day Austin's mom, stepdad and siblings came over to our house.
Of course the first thing Brady had to do was show Poppy his new teepee. He was so proud of it.

The family playing with some of Brady's new toys. Too funny!

I love his face in this picture. I think someone was starting to get tired from all the excitement of Christmas.

He even thought Daddy's gift card was cool.

Playing with his Daddy.

Poppy and Mimi got him a train set. It was a perfect gift because he is really into trains right now. Here he is playing with the logging house that came with it.

This cracks me up! Austin's family couldn't do anything until that train set was completely set up. They all had to take part in it. Brady was sitting with me dying to open another present.

Then he opened Uncle Houston's presents.

Then Poppy's presents.
Then he played around with his Poppy until he couldn't play any longer! What a fabulous Christmas Day it was. :)

And this is how it ended...

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4th of July