Thursday, August 4, 2011

What's Going On...

So a lot has been going on around here lately which is pretty much why I never find time to blog. I feel like I have this short time window before Brooklyn arrives to get a TON of stuff done. I'll get there eventually. So here's a rundown of what's been going on.

1) Austin and I just recently took on the role of directors for our Sunday school class. The two older couples that were directing our class decided to "retire" after 6 years with us. It has already proved to be a big job, but we both felt called by the Lord to do it and have already been blessed because of it. We just love our class so much and everyone in it.

2) We redid Brady's room into his "big boy room." We had him in his crib which was converted to a toddler bed but knew we would be needing the crib for Brooklyn, so we decided to go ahead and buy him his big boy furniture. I will now take this opportunity to caution all moms on this topic. DO NOT put your toddler in a big boy bed too soon. We basically traumatized our poor child. He has had all these issues going to sleep and waking up in the night because of this huge bed. It has been about 3 weeks now since "the change" and he is just now showing us signs that he is getting used to it. However, he has napped only a handful of times since getting the new bed. I'm terrified he is going to stop taking naps. EEEK!!! I was reading last night in a book about healthy sleep habits that when a new baby comes along, keep your toddler in their crib until baby is about 4 months old. That would have been genius! However, I'm a huge planner and insisted on having his room completely done before starting Brooklyn's nursery. Sometimes my need to keep things in order and organized ends up biting me in the butt. Oh well! I'm sure this too shall pass. :) Here are the pictures from Brady's new room. Those of you who have seen Brady's room know how huge it is, so imagine that only half of it is shown in these pictures. Half of the room is fully furnished and the other half is empty. I'm trying to find a really cool book shelf for the other half. Those pictures will come later I guess.

3) We have a baby girl on the way. Okay, so I know this is old news, but I just like saying it again. We haven't really started her nursery yet because my mom is hand making all of her bedding still. The fabric is very elegant and frilly and I can't wait to see it all come together. Poor Brooklyn gets the shaft somewhat because her room is only half the size of Brady's. I guess that is the benefit of being the first born. :) Way to go Brady! As far as pregnancy goes, I'm now almost 28 weeks and am feeling elephant size. I have actually gained way less weight than I did with Brady, but I still feel enormous. I HATE being pregnant in August and we basically stay inside because of that. I'm not sleeping well at all and I have sciatica again but other than that I'm feeling fine. I'm just ready for her to be here!!

4) Austin has a new job. He is still working for Chase Bank but has taken on a new role with a lot more responsibility and a lot of really important people watching him. They created a new position within the bank, just in Texas, and asked Austin to take it on. He is the first one to ever do it so there is a lot of added pressure there. His new title is Senior Relationship Manager Healthcare Specialist. Oh yeah, say that five times fast. His new boss is some big wig at Chase that offices out of Houston so there is a little bit more traveling involved as well. I'm so proud of him though and keep telling him that he will be CEO of Chase in no time. :) He has actually been with Chase for 11 years now, which is pretty rare for someone his age. He started there when he was 21 as a teller. So cute! That's when I met him. Anyways, he is such an amazing provider and is so successful that I thank God everyday for meeting someone with so much drive, focus and dedication. And he does it all while glorifying his God. I love my husband to pieces!

So I guess that's all for now. I've bragged on my husband, gushed about my baby girl and questioned my parenting skills with my toddler. All in a days work! :)

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4th of July