Sunday, March 6, 2011


Life around the Elsner home is so much fun lately. I love this age and how much personality Brady has. He is constantly making us laugh and smile. He is talking more and more everyday and starting to put sentences together. He's always surprising us with new words and we wonder where did he hear that? Only cute stuff though, don't worry! He is FULL of energy for sure. He plays and plays all day and sleeps really hard. Every now and then I can't get him to take a nap, but he will just play up in his room and talk to his stuffed animals. It's pretty cute to listen to on the monitor. I love this little man to pieces and can't imagine my life without him. Here's some random pics from the past month or so that I downloaded off my phone. I usually get the funny ones on my phone. Quicker access! :)
I caught him playing in my closet one day with his cars. The funny thing about this picture is that he was in total darkness. My flash makes it look light. He's so funny!

Yes, we are potty training...kindof. I say kindof because we are taking it really slow. I'm not ready to go hard core yet but I see it coming in the near future. He does tee tee and poo poo on the potty everyday but still wears a diaper. I'm thinking of going cold turkey with the big boy underwear in the next couple of weeks.

Rough life...

Yep that's a black eye. This is what happens when you get kicked in the face by our 55lb. dog. They were just playing though don't worry.

He is such a ham. He loves when I use the camera on my phone and make the camera turn around to where he can see himself.

He still loves lining things up, but I'm not worried about OCD anymore. :)

I just had to do it. He's such a good sport!
Having fun on his hot wheels that Uncle Waylon and Aunt Carolyn got him for his birthday.

At least he loves his big boy underwear! :)

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4th of July