Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bad Blogger

Okay so I know I have been a terrible blogger lately. After we got back from South Padre I immediately started planning for Vacation Bible School at church and have been swamped with that. Our vacation was amazing though and Brady had a blast. I will try to post pictures later.

We did get some great news this past week. We are having a GIRL!!! I'm sure most of you who follow my blog already knew that from facebook but I just had to share. I am beyond excited and Austin's getting more used to the idea everyday. He really wanted all boys so that he never had to deal with a teenage girl, but he has always said he wanted a girl for me. He's so sweet! So now that we know what we are having we have started redoing Brady's big boy room. We bought him some new furniture this weekend that will be delivered in July and he is already asking where his new bed is. He's really excited to get a new room. I will start baby girl's nursery after we finish Brady's room which is really hard for me to do. I just want to decorate girly stuff so bad. Soon though. :)

I am now 20 weeks along and am feeling great. The first trimester was horrible this time around but I am feeling much better now. I still seem to have every pregnancy symptom in the book. It's almost funny what havoc this little girl is wreaking with my body. I know she'll be totally worth it though. :)

I promise I will post some pics soon!

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4th of July