Sunday, September 4, 2011

Summer Fun/First Day of Preschool

Warning: long post coming up. I'm finally going to catch up on what's been going on and post some cute pictures of my boy. I know your in shock. :) We have had a great summer and I am so sad to see it come to an end. Especially because my baby boy started preschool last week. It was the hardest thing I have ever done as a mom to take him to school on Thursday. I cried for a long time after I dropped him off and then cried myself to sleep that night. It's just so hard to let someone else take care of him for a little while instead of me. Part of me was really considering waiting one more year, but after a weekend to recover I'm doing better. We'll see how Tuesday goes.

Before school...
After school...his teacher said he did great and joined in with every activity. The only thing we have to work on is talking during nap time. However, I do not see that changing because Brady doesn't nap at home either. I could see us having to pick him up before nap time within the next few weeks. We'll see how long the teachers can take it. :)

Unfortunately for Brady, we have not spent much time outside this summer. Being very pregnant in the summer was not a great idea so I basically stay inside as much as possible. When we do go outside though, water is definitely involved. Brady loves watering the grass for Daddy and getting watered himself.

Our other favorite past time is going to Chick-fil-a for a fun and cheap form of entertainment. Brady has gotten pretty brave and will play in their play area by himself now. He also loves to share an ice cream with Daddy.

Since Austin has to travel a little more than he used to with his new job we go hang out with my parents so they can keep us company. I just love this picture of Brady scrambling eggs with my dad. They are a cute pair!

Brady also enjoys helping Mommy any chance he gets. He loves to cook, do laundry, clean house...he is such a big helper. Here he is trying to clean the fan blades for me. Love it!

This is Brady showing off his injury. It was a tiny cut from one of the drawers on his big boy bed. He made us put a Band-aid on it for like a week and he would walk around with his thumb in the thumbs up position. It cracked me up. He's dramatic just like his Daddy. :)

Having fun shopping with Mommy.
This cracks me up. This is what happens when your child refuses to nap in his room. He tends to crash wherever, whenever. We had driven home from my moms house where she didn't put his shorts back on him after he went potty because he was so hot. Little did I know he was going to pass out in the car and sleep pantsless for 2 hours. Funny boy!

More fun outside. This was tonight and the weather was fabulous. It was still like 90 degrees but it felt so much cooler for some reason. I'm so ready for fall.

I love this boy to pieces!

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4th of July