Saturday, March 10, 2012

Brooklyn's 4 Months Old!

My baby girl is 4 months old and is doing great. She is changing so much every day. She is smiling like crazy and is spending more time awake. Back at 3 months she was officially diagnosed with acid reflux and was put on Zantac twice a day. Since then she is like a different baby. She is still sensitive to loud noises and crowds and people in her face, but overall she is a happy baby. I love to see her personality starting to show.

She is learning new things each day and I'm amazed at how quickly she is doing things. Brady was so much more laid back and chill so he just figured he would let others do things for him. Brooklyn on the other hand wants to do everything herself and wants to be on the move. She can roll up on her side and from tummy to back. Any day now she will roll from back to tummy. She is such a squirmy worm that every time she is sleeping she ends up completely turned around. She can grab toys and hold them very well and is even starting to bring everything to her mouth. Unfortunately, she could care less about a pacifier and has discovered her fingers instead. I think it has more to do with teething though. It seems like she has been trying to cut teeth for like 2 months now.

She sleeps really well during the day and at night. She still wakes up once a night for a feeding but because she has reflux she can't eat as much at one feeding. That means it will take her longer to make it all the way through the night. It's not too bad though. I'm never up more than 30 minutes during her middle of the night feeding. You can tell by the pictures though that she is a healthy girl. We love her so much!!

Weight: 14lbs. 10oz. (69%)
Height: 24.5 in. (56%)

Not the greatest picture but we had to get her 4 month sticker pic in there.
Oh yeah, I'm cute!
She sits really great in the Bumbo. Too bad she hates it for some reason.
Eating her fingers.
Playing with her toys.
She's not the biggest fan of tummy time but she is really good at keeping her head up. What a cutey!
Giving this baby medicine is total torture. That is why this picture is so funny. You would think she is enjoying herself. She's probably just laughing at us because she can outsmart us by spitting it out. :)
This is the moment I decided to start buckling her into her swing. This is what I mean by squirmy worm. Yep she's up on her side.
I guess she needs a chair of her own now. :)

1 comment:

Team Hoff said...

Oh my goodness - Brooklyn is absolutely adorable and growing so much! I just want to squeeze those cheeks!

4th of July