Tuesday, April 3, 2012

5 Month's Old

My baby girl is 5 month's old. I can't believe it. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter. She is extremely smiley and is learning new things everyday. Her new trick is rolling over. She is definitely a mover and a shaker. I'm working with her like crazy to teach her how to sit up. I'm so sick of her having to stay in her car seat at restaurants. She hates her car seat. She is still on her reflux medicine and probably will be for the near future. If it ain't broke don't fix it! :)

She is such a sweet baby and is quickly becoming more of a daddy's girl. When she hears Austin's voice she will twist and turn until she finds him and then smiles sooo big. I love it! There is nothing cuter than her big gummy smile.

Brady always has to get in on the picture taking. Brooklyn makes Brady look HUGE. My little man! He is so loving with Brooklyn and has not once been ugly to her. Hopefully that will last. :)
I love this picture because it looks like she is just chillin' at the lakehouse. This is what most of us look like when we are there.
Rollin' around.
Brooklyn loves her door bouncer. She can even reach the ground so she gets a pretty good bounce going. She will stay in this thing longer than any other play thing. Which is good for Mommy. ;)

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4th of July