Sunday, January 17, 2010

1st Birthday

So this past week was Brady's first birthday. It was an interesting week that's for sure and one we will always remember. The Monday before Brady's birthday he got a really bad runny nose. This wasn't anything new so we didn't worry about it until Thursday, the morning of his birthday, he woke up feeling really bad. He had a cough and a low grade fever. We had already planned on going to the Rainforest Cafe for lunch so we took him and he did so so. You could tell he didn't feel very good. My mom, sister-in-law, Austin and I all had lunch with him and even though he felt yucky it was still very special. It was so dark in there that the pictures aren't great but you get the idea. You can tell he felt bad.

So after lunch we went home and he refused to nap because he felt so horrible. He was so conjested that he couldn't breathe through his nose but he wanted his paci which kept him form breathing through his mouht. He was miserable to say the least. I called and got him into the doctor that afternoon and he checked out fine. The doctor said he just had a viral infection and that he would be okay soon. That night my mom was cooking a birthday dinner since my brother and sister-in-law had flown in for his birthday. Even though he still felt bad we put him in his pj's and headed over there. Once dinner was over and he was able to open presents he at least pretended to be happy for a little while.

And this is when we knew it was time to go home.

1 comment:

Devon said...

Poor little guy. :( On a lighter note, Happy Birthday Brady!

4th of July