Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Times

Not a whole lot has been going on around here. I am still feeling pretty sick most days and really exhausted, so we spend most days at home playing. Poor Brady is going stir crazy I'm sure. We still have fun though and come up with silly games at home. He has gotten really good at T-ball and can smack that ball halfway across the living room. Normally, T-ball would never be allowed inside my house, but for right now a lot of stuff is allowed that usually would not be. :)

I went to the doctor again recently and the heart beat sounded wonderful. I can't wait to find out what baby #2 is but that's not until June. I'm hoping this all day sickness thing goes away soon. I hit 13 weeks tomorrow so if it is just a 1st trimester thing then it should be going away. We'll see! Here are some pictures of random things we've been doing lately. Brady keeps getting cuter and funnier by the minute. He is just talking up a storm right now and is starting to put sentences together. He cracks me up with some of the stuff he says. I'm already thinking he is going to be the class clown, because at home he is such a ham. When I go pick him up from his Bible Study Fellowship class on Wednesdays he is always playing with something and has kids all around him. Mainly girls! I really hope he is an extrovert like his Daddy and not shy like me.

Loving on his Nonna...his 3rd favorite person in the whole wide world! :)

I pulled the bumbo chair out to take to a friend and Brady has been sitting in it everyday. When he was a baby we never got to use it because his thighs were so chunky. He would always get stuck and I couldn't pull him out. Ironically, he now can get in and out of it with ease. He has such long thin legs now. It's too funny!

He loves playing racquetball with Daddy. Which means Daddy bounces the racquetballs on the racket while Brady watches and laughs. I caught him one day using the bag as a hat. See what I mean by ham??

One day we had to go let my parents dogs out to potty so Brady took the opportunity to love on Max. He is such an animal lover.

He's really into fixing things. He has a set of fake tools from Home Depot that he gets out and fixes his cars. I'm not quite sure where he learned this because we all know his Daddy is not Mr. Fix it. I guess he learned it from Pop. :)

He loves wearing his big boy underwear. We'll put them over his diaper sometimes when he asks. We decided to potty train him this summer after we get back from out vacation to South Padre. It's a long drive and we didn't want to pull over 50 million times. However, he has started holding his tee tee so long that he will cry because it hurts. So we might not make it till then. We'll see. I know he is definitely ready.

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4th of July